A Writerly Advent Calendar - Window No. 23

I generally have a cup of coffee to hand when I write but on occasion, a cup of tea is better. I found this set of Novel Teas on the Writers Gifts website. It contains twenty five tea bags, each one bearing a tag with a literary quote from writers such as C S Lewis and Alice Hoffman. Writers Gifts is a British website but I found an American website called Bag Ladies Tea that sells this item too. It also comes in a smaller pouch size.

If your writerly friend is a tea drinker, this one could be an ideal gift.


  1. Fantastic. Happy Holidays, Fi. I hope you and your family have a wonderful time.

  2. Ha ha. If I was a tea drinker, I would definitely drink this.

  3. This would make an excellent gift. I've taken to tea quite a bit this last quarter of the year.


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