100 happy days counted and posted

Back in May, I told you that I would be taking part in the 100 happy days challenge. You can find that post here but, to recap this is the challenge:

Take a photograph on each of your 100 days of something that makes you happy, then share your photograph.

I chose to post my photographs on my Tumblr blog, What I see, what I hear, what I am. You can find all 100 on there.

It was an interesting one hundred days, keeping up the discipline of not just photographing something happy, but also taking the time to notice that thing. Some days it was difficult because I was crazy busy or ill. Other days, I had a whole host of happy things to choose from.

It's been a good experience and I find myself still in the habit of looking for happy things. My photographs weren't as exciting as those posted by some of my friends - talking at events, modelling on a catwalk, new shoes - but they were very much me, visual, colourful, warm. Here are a few of my favourites.

Day 1 of my challenge. I stopped on the way to the shops to look up at the trees.
Day 6. My writing makes me happy. It’s hard work sometimes (especially when I’m editing and redrafting) but it satisfies my soul. I’m very lucky to be able to do this for a living.
Day 13. I was putting out the rubbish when I noticed this beautiful blue butterfly. It stayed in the garden for quite a while. I can’t get over how vibrant it’s colour is.
Day 30. This combination of sunlit trees, limestone arches and blue sky made me take a moment this morning. Lovely.
Day 36. I saw this rose on the walk to school. It reminded me of my mum. This was her favourite colour rose. My childhood garden was filled with roses like this.
Day 56. Whenever I see the moon during the day, it always seems a little magical.
Day 69. Eating pistachio nuts while I write.
Day 83. Took my children to a small, local wildlife park today and probably my favourite thing of the day was getting to pet this owl. His name is Bovril.


  1. Congrats on finishing the challenge and great pictures!

    1. Thanks, Kelly. I enjoyed doing it.

    2. Well done on the challenge. It's a good habit to get into and you've got some great pictures to remind you of happy things when you're feeling a bit low :-)

  2. I finished my 100 Happy Days Challenge on Saturday! And I started it because of you and the first post you did. I've shared a few of my pictures on the first Wednesday of the month for Insecure Writer's Support Group day. But your pictures are a lot prettier than most of mine. ;)


    1. Well done, Chrys and thank you. I've really enjoyed doing it.


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