I Write Like
I follow several writing and book related blogs and one of my favourites is The Sharp Angle written by Joe and Lydia Sharp, two science fiction writers. The title of their latest article caught my eye, ‘I Write Like...’. Although I value what I like to think is the individuality of my writing voice, it’s also interesting to see which well known authors I might be compared to. On investigation, the article was about a site called ‘I Write Like’ (strangely enough) which, among other things, analyzes your writing for free, telling you which author or authors your writing resembles. Now seeing as I use my writing in several ways, I used an extract from each. These were the results.
Using the first page of the fantasy novel I’m writing, Dark Divide, I get the following result.
Putting an extract from one of my murder mystery plays to the test, it turns out that
Looking at a non murder mystery play of mine, Full Glass Empty Heart,
And finally, this investigation wouldn’t be complete without looking at how I write on this blog.
I’m not sure how exactly this is calculated or if it's just a bit of fun but if it's genuine then I'm quite impressed. Have a go yourself.
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