
Showing posts from September, 2009

A writer's solution

It may only be September but already the weather is beginning to turn chilly here. Is it time to turn on the central heating yet? I've put it off until now, cheered by the sunny, if brisk weather. I'm reluctant to succomb to that luxury until I really have to. I could put on a sweater or just keep moving (with two children there's always plenty of housework and washing to do). However, being a writer and a romantic at heart, I've come up with a different solution. I want a shawl. When I was a child, my mother would take me with her to visit an elderly neighbour. She was probably in her sixties and seventies when I knew Mrs H but to a small child she always appeared ancient. Her bungalow was filled with antiques, dark carved wood, vibrant fabrics and the sound of her pet birds. She was a petite lady with perfectly curled white hair and creamy skin like delicate crepe paper. She wore dark, neat, plain clothes all year round but in the winter, she would wrap herself in a b...

Wise Words

I had a lovely surprise this morning. The children were safely ensconced at school and I was cheerfully making my escape to the car when one of the mums said to me, 'I saw your wise words in Prima. I agree totally. I love that too'. Encouraged by this exchange, I raced to the local supermarket and bought the October issue of Prima. I quickly flicked through the pages and found under the heading 'The Little Things That Make My Day Are...' a paragraph I'd sent into Prima Wise Words a couple of months ago. Not only do I get to see my name in print but I also receive Ā£25 for the pleasure. If you'd like to share your wisdom with the Prima readers, email with your contact details, marking your email READER PANEL. I'm now going to have my breakfast and read my copy of Prima. I hope your day gets off to a good start too.

Good Cause

I don't know about you but a good cup of coffee always gets me energised on a morning and ready to face the world. So I was delighted to hear that Emma Bridgewater , retailer of all things pottery and pretty, are holding coffee mornings in their shops to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support on Friday, 25th September. I have to admit that all my Emma Bridgewater purchases have been made online in the past but I now have an excuse to go into one of their shops. Read about the MacMillan Coffee Morning here .

The deed is done...

The pantomime script is complete. After swapping around a few scenes and changing a couple of songs, the script is finished and has been submitted to the ladies of the PTFA. I can't describe how satisfying it was to click on the 'Send Email' button. Do I get a rest? No. The murder mystery season has begun in earnest. Or rather the purchasing of murder mystery scripts by am dram groups has begun. Tis the season to shout "he did it" and other deductory expletives. And to top off the creative rapids that are my life, I now have a butterfly mobile and painting to get done for my daughter's seventh birthday at the weekend. I think I may have to settle for just doing the mobile for now. Without a tardis, I just do not have enough hours left in the day. So excuse me while I root out a stick and some silver glittery spraypaint from the garage. I may be some while.

Back to school

One week and counting until my life returns to normal (or as normal as my life ever gets). The August monster has been banished and September brings with it the first sense of autumn with it's blustery weather. Shopping for the children's school uniforms (they keep growing), I find myself drawn to the stationery shelves. My two are too young to need pens and pads for school yet so I can't 'pretend' to buy stationery for them. Still, I might have to treat myself to an A4 pad, for work purposes of course. My housework and writing routine are due for an overhaul with the new term. Hopefully by then, the pantomime will be finished so I can return to my novel and writing a new play for Murdering The Text . Is it any wonder that autumn is my favourite season?

Murdering The Text news

The beginning of September not only marks the countdown to the return to school but also the launch of the new regular comic strip on my website Murdering The Text. Created, written and drawn by my husband Paul, the fortnightly cartoon will give you a glimpse into the weird and wonderful world of our characters (a little back story is always useful). Well, it keeps 'us' amused. Have a look .