Tuesday Choice Words

Something Unique To Say by Steven Pressfield discusses the value of our individual voices.

How To Write Better: 7 Instant Fixes from Write To Done is a useful article on tightening your writing. I shall be keeping this one to hand for when I start my second draft this autumn.

The Eyes Have It: Are You Overlooking Things In Your Manuscript? from The Other Side of the Story talks about the over use of 'look' and similar words.

Is Your Author Website Helping Your or Holding You Back? from bookbaby gives some useful tips on improving your author website.

Pitching Your Book to an Agent at a Writer's Conference, also from bookbaby, talks about the realities of jumping the query letter queue.


  1. What a great idea to gather your favourite posts from the blogging world into one easily accessible spot. I might just try something similar on my own blog especially as I often come across really interesting and inspirational material (like yours!) but later on can't for the life of me remember where I read it.Now if I could just figure out how to create new pages on my own blog. Sigh...I'm such a technophobe really...

  2. Tweet and FB'd these.

    Hugs and chocolate,



  3. Thank you for these! So glad I came across your blog. Love it. Now following.



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