Tuesday Choice Words

This is the second in this series where I share links to writing advice, chat and news that I've received over the last week.

Look for the Odd One Out in your Fiction by Writerly Life, describes how to use a little psychology to make our writing more appealing to the reader.

Found Stories by Author Magazine, which is strangely about 'finding' your story.

And finally, an interesting article on earnings versus bestseller lists by author Bob Mayer on Manic Monday - Dollars and Good Sense.



  1. Earnings vs. bestseller is always a tricky topic. ;)

    1. Yes, fame vs fortune. It's always about power and the ego! Thanks for the links! Will check them out!

  2. Thanks for forwarding the blog post by Bob Mayer. Very informative.

  3. I enjoyed the links. Thank you for posting these


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