Tuesday Choice Words

Today marks the first of a series of post in which I'll share some of the wonderful advice I receive from fellow writers and creatives, as well as mentors and generally bookish and publishing world peeps.

Looking for Inspiration? is an article in Psychologies magazine which discusses where inspiration comes from  and how we can search it out.

Instructions for a happy juice life is a blog post by Fiona Robyn of Writing Our Way Home and I think the title is quite explanatory.

Who needs a publisher? is an informative look at the pros and cons of traditional publishing versus self publishing from Schmublishing.com.



  1. Enjoying your blog, Fi. I just nominated you for two awards: Versatile Blogger and Beautiful Blogger! No pressure to post, just wanted to share. See my post: http://lisawrosenberg.com/2012/05/08/versatile-blogger-beautiful-blogger/


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