Somebody loves me

It's always rewarding to receive an award from another blogger and yesterday Nancy MacMillan of 'Blog of a Vet's Wife' was kind enough to award me the Liebster Blog award which is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers to express recognition of the quality of their blog.

The rules that accompany this award go as follows:
  • Thank the giver of the award and link back to them.
  • Give the Liebster Award to 5 bloggers and let them know with a comment on their blog.
  • Copy and paste the award onto your blog.
  • Enjoy the love of some of the most supportive people on the Internet.
  • Have fun blogging.
 Well, I've done all of those except to nominate my own five award winners. Here goes:
  1. Meg Waite Clayton of 1st Books: Stories of How Writers Get Started
  2. Annie Boreson of Atoll Annie and the Non-Specific Rim
  3. Stacey Graham of betwixt and between
  4. The Desert Rocks
  5. The Scribblers Cove
Please do pop over to see my nominees. 


  1. Thank you Fi.
    Love the green background! If someone sees the award on my blog and clicks on it they will be here in a green garden of happiness! (Linked)

  2. Thank you. You're a gem. Enjoy your award.

  3. Thank you so much, Fi! What a nice surprise this morning!

  4. Fi, congrats on being Liebterized. May your numbers grow and everyone realize how cool you are. :)

  5. Congrats! My favorite post (btw) is your 7 ways to stay sane.

  6. Congrats on the award Fi. And awesome recipients.


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