My NaNoWriMo Progress

So November is over and NaNoWriMo is wrapped up for another year. The usual target for each participant is to write 50,000 words. My personal target was to complete the first draft of my second children's novel during the month. So, how did I do?

Well, I didn't complete the draft but I did write the first fifteen chapters. That's approximately half of the novel. What stopped my progress, besides real life, was the fact that my original chapter plan unravelled slightly when I started writing it. I realised that changes had to be made to my plot and I also found that a certain amount of extra research was required.

Personally, I'm delighted with last month's progress. NaNoWriMo has provided the kickstart I needed to begin novel number two and I can happily continue with writing the rest of the book.

So where does chapter fifteen leave us in the novel? Well, Isabelle and Blessing have a mystery to solve, Cormac is stood outside Hartley's shop, and Steve and Hartley are in dire peril. Now, I just need to do some research on mermaids, lake monsters and genies.


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