A Writerly Advent Calendar - Window No. 10

Books, books, books - we writers can't get enough of them so why not give your writerly friend a book voucher? There are so many places that you could buy a voucher for. There are book chains such as Waterstones, monster retailers like Amazon, and there are even independent book stores that sell vouchers too. If your friend prefers ebooks, then there's the Kindle store, the Kobo store or whichever store sells for the e-reader device your friend has.

Books can be such a personal choice. A book voucher leaves that choice, and the enjoyment of having that choice, up to the gift-receiver.


  1. I love gift cards for books! Best gift ever.

  2. I wish somebody would give me a book voucher! ;)

  3. I love books, never the wrong gift for me... a gift card (voucher) or the real thing. Now all I need is more reading time!


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