2019 - looking ahead

First off, Happy New Year! The first almost three weeks of 2019 have sped by at a rate of unforeseen, well, speediness. The holiday season, besides a chance to spend lots of time with my family, was very much a period of thoughtfulness and reflection. The image for this blog post is incredibly pertinent because, after all of that thoughtfulness, mince pies, and reflection, I've decided that 2019 will be a fresh start for my writing. Haven Wakes, and its following novel Haven Journeys are, if not shelved, put on hold for the time being. I've polished and pushed the first novel as far as I'm able for the time being and I don't want to further develop the following novel until I'm sure what is happening with Haven Wakes. So where does that leave me as a writer? My content and copy writing business still continues successfully and the plan for 2019 is to increase my customer base and the variety of work. However, the dream is still to b...