Choice words for April

Progress on my novel is coming along nicely and by the summer, I should be starting back on the submitting to literary agents trail. Am I the only one who finds that process scary?

According to Write It Sideways, while the process may be a tad terrifying, it's also good for you. Check out their article - 5 reasons querying is good for you to find out more.

On a completely different note, writer Suzanna Williams asks, Real life doesn't make sense but does fiction have to? 

Finally, I have a video from Piers Blofeld, who is a literary agent himself from Sheil Land Associates, on the 5 types of rejection (and what to make of them).


  1. Thanks for the mention, Fi. I'm struggling to make my sense out of anything that's happening in real life atm!
    Good to hear work on the novel is progressing nicely :-)


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