Choice Words for March

Spring is sprung
de grass is riz
I wonder where de boidies iz

It's true! Spring is finally upon us. The grass is going rampant in our garden. However, the noisy pigeons that sit on the roof of our house and coo loudly first thing on a morning leave me in no doubt where de blummin' boidies iz.

Facebook is in the news again (when isn't Facebook in the news?) about the Cambridge Analytica 'situation' but I'm more interested in how Facebook's algorithm changes will affect my page's visibility. Fauzia Burke discusses just this topic on the Writers Digest website in How Upcoming Facebook Updates Will Impact Authors.

I've also come across a brilliant article on Three Different Ways to Approach Blogging as a Novelist from Aliventures.

Finally, I've a video for you from the Creative Penn on how to find time to write.

Enjoy the Spring.


  1. Thanks, Fi. I' chomping at the bit to see signs of spring in my backyard. Someday...

    1. Spring has done a runner here today. Maybe after Easter...


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