A Hallowe'en Dilemma

Hallowe'en always finds me divided. One the one hand, the pagan in me sees this day as a time to reflect on loved ones who have passed, the thought of them brought closer as the veil between the dead and the living thins. That is what Hallowe'en (or Samhain) means to me on the deepest level. As a mother, I have always enjoyed the fun side of the day that my children are attracted to - dressing up, making spooky food, and carving pumpkins. Nowadays, my 'children' are older (teen and pre teen) so that side of things doesn't appeal to them so much but I know we'll be visited by lots of little witches and ghosts tonight on their trick or treating quest. As a writer, there is a whole universe of inspiration around me in the shadows of this day and an immense heritage of literature that touches on the supernatural and horror genre. Most of my favourite writers fall into this group - Mary Shelley, Neil Gaiman, and Stephen King to name but a fe...