
Showing posts from September, 2016

Choice Words for September

As you know, this year I began to submit my novel 'Shadowbinder' to literary agents. After ten rejections, a reassessed novel, and a rest over the summer break, I'm about to re-start the process. I'd like to say that I'm revved up and raring to go but the truth is that doubts are beginning to chip away at my self belief. I've come to the conclusion that the only way to get where I want to go is to keep on keeping on so I'm readying my next submission. Novelist, Claudia Cruttwell writes about this whole process in Finding An Agent: Why You Shouldn't Give up . Well worth a read if you too are feeling fraught from submission rejection. 10 easy ways to put agents off in your submission letter Piers Blofeld

What I'm Doing This Month - September

So here we are at the start of a new school year and a new season. I have peace and quiet in my home, well, during school hours, and the chance to get back to my writing in earnest. The first novel is complete. The second novel is drafted. I have a rough plan for the entire series. I'm also looking into the whole process of self publishing. I'm still on the look out for an agent but I think it's wise to be open to options. Away from writing, this is my daughter's birthday month which will entail two weekends of celebrating (with us here at home and then at Grandma's house). She's growing up and the toy aisles no longer interest her. She's already beginning to think about what she'd like to do for a living and looking at course options for her exams at school. When did my little girl get to be so grown up? What are you doing in September?