What will you write on your blank page?

2013 is almost here, bringing with it the chance to start something new. How do you feel about that? Excited? Worried? Brimming over with ideas? Or are you simply carrying on as before? A lot of people will and there's nothing wrong with that. I'll still be making the weekly trips to school with my children, cooking, cleaning, paying bills and writing (of course). Some things never change.

And yet, to take this opportunity of a new year as an inspiration to start at least some things afresh seems to me to be a gift that we should prize. Call it new year resolutions or turning a page, but the act of re-creating something, anything can be just what we need in the middle of the winter.

The Words on my Blank Page

1. On 1st January, I start a new diary, literally a new blank page to be filled with the multitude of words in my head.

2. Once my husband has returned to work and the children to school, I'll start work on the third draft of my novel. I've spent the festive break tearing and sewing my story into an improved form all ready to return to writing it.

3. I will be taking part in the Mindful Writing Challenge throughout January, creating a small stone each day of that month.

There are many more personal blank pages to begin in my life too, all of which I look forward to with both excitement and a level of trepidation. Change can be transformational but at the same time, stepping through into 'other' can be frightening too.

So what will you create? What flame of inspiration will you breathe into flickering life in the darkness of January? What will you write on your blank page?


  1. I'm going to be doing lots of edits for my own books but I'm hoping to write a new novella, too.

    Happy New Year!

  2. I am beginning on Jan 1st by particiapting in Sally Quilford's writing challenge 100k in 100 days http://quillersplace.wordpress.com/2012/12/04/100k-in-100-days-2013/

  3. While my hubby and kids are home right now I am working at updating and starting new social media profiles. As soon as they get back to their normal schedules I'll be writing, writing, writing. Two novelettes for the next volume in my new series and lots of flash stories to help get the word out about that series. I haven't felt this excited about a new year in a long time! Good luck to you in the new year!

  4. Sounds like you all have exciting plans for the new year.


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