Tuesday Choice Words

Are Non-Interactive Books Going to Be the Black & White Movies of the Future? by Nathan Bransford offers an interesting discussion on the future of e-books.

Use Synesthesia for Vivid Description from Writerly Life suggests enlivening our descriptions by crossing the senses.

Developing Your Writing Presence on the Web by Susan Bearman on Write It Sideways is an informative article that tackles the 'do I need a website/Facebook page/Twitter?' question in a clear and well thought out manner.

First Draft Saboteurs: What's Getting in Your Way? on The Lit Coach site discusses the factors that may be stopping you from finishing your first draft.

What's Happening in the Next Room? from Writerly Life discusses the use of interiors in our writing.


  1. The topic of Nathan's post scares me. I don't want that to happen.

  2. Nathan's post is thought provoking. I've also heard that eventually people will be able to click on a word in a novel like vacation and view a commercial of sorts. How distracting. When I read a novel, the whole purpose is to skip the commercials.

  3. I completely agree. I like to immerse myself in a novel.

  4. Looks like Nathan's post catches everyone's eye, because it caught mine too. Yikes!


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