My Most Beautiful Thing

Today I'm taking part in a blogsplash titled 'My Most Beautiful Thing'. It was inspired by Fiona Robyn's new book, The Most Beautiful Thing . You can find more information on the blogsplash here . When I started to think about what 'my most beautiful thing' could be, I found my mind travelling along many branches of thought. Some ended in sawn off stumps. Others furled out and and onwards into a narrowing path which reached further into the sky than I could see. All of them had merit but none of them alone were right. I have my mother's silver locket which holds photographs of her parents and her grandmother. I have a book of important dates, a gift from my great grandfather Alfred to his future wife. I have my extensive collection of photographs, online and in albums, that stretches back a hundred years. There's my engagement ring, a circular diamond in a plain setting that speaks to me more of eternity and harmony than bling and money. There's ...