A new writing record

As you know, the month of November saw me taking part in National Novel Writing Month, the aim being to write 50,000 words. I started off well, remaining on target until the middle of the month when life intervened in the form of ill children and work commitments. Still, I broke my writing record from past NaNoWriMos and managed just over 26,000 words.

I may not be an official NaNoWriMo 'winner' (the term used for those who have achieved the full 50,000 words) but I feel like a winner none the less. For the entire month, I sent my internal editor on holiday and just kept on writing. The resulting prize are several chapters of first draft quality which I'll look back over next week.

Writing in this way, without editing, felt risky at times and stumped me at others. The world of my story grew, the  details and colours gradually sketching themselves in. My characters fleshed out in often surprising ways. A couple of minor characters became more important and a new villain was introduced into the mix.

I'll definitely take part in NaNoWriMo next year. Now I just have to keep the impetus running and finish this novel.


  1. That's right: keep that creative energy flowing. I'm doing my best to manage 1K a day and I'm trying hard to write w/o editing until I finish the first draft.


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