The Career Guide for Creative and Unconventional People

I've had this book for a while but only recently began to delve into it's wisdom. I use the word 'wisdom' because unlike career guides that simply match you up to a fitting career then send you on your way, TCGFCAUP goes on to explain why creative people often find it difficult to fit into conventional jobs.

In my past life as a secretary, I was sent on a course that would match my personality to suitable careers. My then employer was closing down and they were doing all they could to help their staff on their way to new jobs. I daresay they were trying to reduce the amount of redundancy money they would have to pay out but at the time it seemed a very decent gesture to make.

There were five of us on the course - a manager, two supervisor level staff, another secretary and me. Over two days, we worked through the exercises, took part in discussions, filled out questionnaires and generally enjoyed time away from work. On the third day, we met with the leader of our course and were given our results. My four colleagues were all pleased to learn that they were well matched to their jobs. Well done. Pat on the head. Off you go and apply for another 'more of the same' position. My results, however, were different.

I was told that I was not 'conscientious', not a detail person and most definitely not secretary-material. To be fair, I knew this already but hearing a professional careers counsellor confirm my opinion felt good, in theory. What didn't feel good was the underlying attitude to the reveal that not being conscientious, not being a detail person, not liking routine and repetition meant I was lazy and of little value to the 'normal' world of employment. In short, I was left with the impression that I should "buck up my ideas" and apply myself, forget my dreams of being a writer because dreams didn't pay the bills.

The book's author, Carol Eikleberry, a careers counsellor and a self confessed creative, explains that artistic people are not only worthwhile in themselves but can add value to the world. Their divergent thinking and ease at finding problems (to be solved) are key to their personality type and not simply the foibles of a moody, arty farty type. In essence, TCGFCAUP empowers creative people to have confidence in the validity and value of their skills.

The Career Guide for Creative and Unconventional People is available for purchase from Amazon and other book outlets.


  1. I say to hell with not following your dreams...if your dream is to write, then do it up good sister!

    I found your site through the B-list:) I had to come visit because my Moms always said the 'bated breath' thing...and it made me smile!

  2. Hi Fiona...I found a link to your site on Facebook and thought I'd add it up on my Networked Blogs list...I'm now also following you after reading this article. I've started writing when I was in high school but it reminded me of what my father said when I was reading your blog. 'Writing doesn't pay the bills.' But I continued writing, although not making money out of it all the time. Thanks for this post and for sharing with us this book...I will surely have a look what this book is offering. :-)


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