What I'm doing this month - March

After an introductory month to my new role as freelance copywriter in February, I'm now set firmly on the course of this fresh career path. With plenty of work on the way, I'm enjoying the challenge of writing for a different arena. Writing to order isn't new for me. Plenty of my murder mystery plays were commissioned by customers. Being economic with time and wordcount, however, is something that I haven't had to deal with much in the past but it's a new development that I'm relishing.

Murdering The Text

This year, I will have been writing murder mystery plays for twenty years. Twenty years! How did that happen? To celebrate this impressive anniversary, I'm writing a new, as yet untitled murder mystery that relates back to the original script that started this journey. I already have a cast, a setting and a decade (the 1980s). I'll let you know when the script is finished and ready to be performed.


I'm still working on the re-write of my novel, strengthening Steve's voice and role. After an encouraging 'almost' from one literary agent in the past, I'm hoping to forward the redrafted novel to her when it's finished. Fingers crossed.

This year has, so far, been one of new directions and fresh perspectives. I can't wait to see what it has in store for me.


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