The die are cast

This morning I did something that I've been longing to do for years. I submitted my novel to a literary agent. Actually, I submitted it to three.

I'm lucky to write my plays for a living but to be a novelist has always been my number one dream. I've written and honed, and rearranged, and edited my manuscript for the past few years. I've sought professional advice and assessments on my writing. I've turned to my favourite writers for advice and inspiration. I've even put together a cast list of actors for my characters. I've taken my novel as far as I can.

Submitting my manuscript today made it all feel very real, and quite terrifying. I read each agent's submission requirements, located the correct person to submit to at each agency and nervously emailed off my novel.

I'm hoping for a good response from at least one of them. I know that I may not hear anything until the new year. Let's be honest. If they're not interested, I may not hear anything at all. That's always a possibility.

I have four other agents lined up to submit my novel to if the initial three say no. I'm hoping for feedback if they decide that my novel isn't for them but I'm also aware that there are many factors involved in their decision, not simply the quality of writing.

So, I'm on the proverbial tenterhooks and I daresay that'll continue for a couple of months at least. I'll keep an eye on the websites of the three agents I've submitted to. My emails pop up on my mobile phone so there's no chance of missing one. I have a murder mystery play to write and the next novel in my trilogy to start on too (or rather pick up from what I wrote of it in last year's NanoWrimo).

I hope the agents love Steve and Hartley and Blessing as much as I do. Fingers crossed.


  1. YAY! You're on your way. I found that coming up with a list of other agents helped. Then if one agent passed, I'd just move to the next one on the list.

    1. Thanks, Stephanie. That's my thinking too.


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