
Today is the Autumn Equinox, the day at this end of the year in the UK when day and night are the same length.

Autumn can stand for many things, in our lives and our writing. This is the season of harvest where we gather and benefit from what we have 'sown' over the spring and summer. It can symbolise a move from youth (the summer) to adulthood (the autumn), especially as our children charge into a new school year. It can also bring over us a feeling of melancholy. This is a season of both beauty and sadness. The golden colours and ripe fruit present us with their glorious hues and yet it is also time to pack away the toys of summer, time to look back and ahead.

I was married in autumn, a wonderful day in October that united friends and family for a few playful hours. It was one of the happiest days in my life, but the saddest too. My father had died a couple of years before that and my mother was too ill with dementia to attend. We played a favourite song of my father's as I walked down the aisle (What a wonderful life sung by Louis Armstrong) and the cake was decorated with roses, my mother's favourite flower. I spoke of their absence briefly in my wedding speech but it was a personal sadness that I kept to myself for the most part.

Autumn can also stand for change and as I am a child of change it suits me well. Each autumn, I look at the changes that have happened in my life over the past year. The biggest changes are always in my children as they grow and learn but there are also more subtle differences there too.

What does autumn mean to you?


  1. I got married in October too. I love autumn!

  2. Autumn is hands-down my favorite season, and I enjoyed your thoughts on it. :-)

    For me, fall is a time for reflection and appreciation for what Nature has given us. It's like my mind knows all those pretty leaves, the green grass, and the warm sunshine are fleeting, and I need to to soak up every ounce of it before it goes away for the winter.

    I think fall is like spending time with your favorite grandparent in that way.

  3. E - what a great way of thinking of the season.

    K - wedding twins. Lovely time of the year to be married.

  4. Count me in as another autumn bride. :)

    Writers are prone to contemplation, so fall is a wonderful time, as well as admiring all of the natural beauty surrounding us, as E.J. wrote.

    Happy Autumnal Equinox, Fi. May we all learn and grow from the changes of this year and look forward to the more that lie ahead.

  5. Well, said Karen and hello to another wedding twin. Obviously the best people are autumn brides.


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