Returning to a new normal

Yesterday, my husband went back to work but it wasn't until today, when my children started the new school term, that I began to feel that life had returned to normal. Of course, it's a new normal for us all. We moved home just before Christmas and although we now have a working house, we're still unpacking boxes and bags with the resulting "That's where that went to" or "I'd forgotten about that".

This morning, without husband or children, my home is peaceful. I'm indulging myself with a coffee and my laptop. Soon I'll get on with more unpacking and tidying away but for twenty minutes or so, I'm going to own this moment.

If you're finding it difficult to get back into your creative stride, have a look at my post - 7 ways to get back into your writing routine.


Expectant faces raised to the light of a new term, my children skipped into school with no backward glance or wave. I released the breath that had dragged me from my bed and kept me moving. readying us all for this return to a new normal.

Love and War

When I looked into my garden on this January morning, I saw four birds. Two muted grey doves sat on the fence, staring in while a pair of magpies, bold, brash, bounded across the grass before taking fright at some unseen threat. The doves looked on as the magpies fled, then settled in their place.


  1. Hi, Fi. I gave you an award on my blog today.

  2. New follower here. It's nice to meet you. I clicked over from Kelly's. Congrats on your twenty minutes of peace and good luck with the unpacking.

  3. Thank you for my award, Kelly. That's lovely of you.

    Hello inluvwithwords - always good to meet new bloggers. Have been over to your blog too and left a comment.

  4. Hi-My son is home from college until Jan 23. I love spending time with him, but I have to make sure I've carved out a block of writing time every day. That's tricky with a guy who operates on a very spontaneous schedule!

  5. Hi Fi, I followed you here. Glad I did. I'll be back!

    I have magpies in my backyard. They are forever chasing the chickadees away from the feeder. Noisy guys too!

  6. Good luck with unpacking, those things can take quite a while. I hope you enjoyed your twenty minutes!

  7. Catherine - that's kids for you (whatever age they get to). Now my two are back at school. I'm guarding my mornings for at least one twenty minute writing slot each day.

    Louise - good to meet fellow bloggers. I love magpies but they 'are' rather disruptive.

    Thank you, angel.


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