Happy Birthday Freddie

When I switched on my computer today and pulled up an internet page, good old Google had a gem of a reminder for me, a short film based on the song 'Don't Stop Me Now' by Queen to celebrate Freddie Mercury's birthday. If you're reading this post today, then you can view the film by going to www.google.com.

If Freddie had still been alive, then today he would have been sixty five years old and probably as fabulous and flamboyant as he always was. I still can't believe that twenty years have gone by since his death. My life back then (a twenty five year old newly moved to Surbiton, Surrey to be with my then boyfriend) was a world away from what it is now. I can remember a pub I used to pass on the way to work honouring Freddie by changing it's sign to feature his image. The pub was called the Queen's Head.

Here's an excellent article on Freddie and Google's tribute from the Telegraph.


  1. I had no idea it would've been his birthday today. Google's handy for letting you know things like this.

  2. Oh my, I love his voice. Such a talent! It's still very sad to me that he is gone. All the music he could still be giving the world. Thanks for this today.

  3. Wow, thanks for sharing this, Fi! I didn't know it was his birthday either. It was pretty cool for the pub to change their sign in honour of him.

  4. Fi - You have been awarded the Leibster Award. You can pick it up at my blog http://blogofavetswife.blogspot.com/ and post it on yours. The rules are listed on my post. Enjoy the love!

  5. I got to see Queen in concert, oddly enough twice on the same tour, because I moved right after concert #1. Incredible talent, incredible loss to the world when he died. Thanks for the (bittersweet) reminder.


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