When life races by

When the days, and the nights,
slip by in the pass of a hand,
and the details of your life
blur into a shade of mud,
search for these things -
the touch of the grass,
the breath of the sky,
and the reach of the trees.


  1. Beautiful poem and pictures.

  2. Moments of inspiration like this poem are a brilliant flash of light in the flow and chaos of life. Love the pictures, especially the tree. Amazing!

  3. Nicely done, Fi! "When the days, and the nights, slip by in the pass of a hand"...that is lovely!

  4. Thank you for the comments. I woke up to these words today and scribbled them down in the journal I keep by my bed.

  5. Wonderful poem, great pictures, best ever philosophy to live by. Kudos to you!

  6. Lovely. Nature is the best form of inspitation. :)

  7. OH, I almost forgot. I gave you an award on my blog today.

  8. Very nice, Fi. Thank you. I needed a lovely reminder such as this today because school is starting and things are flying by faster than ever.

  9. We have this week, next and a couple of days yet but I've started getting things ready. Still need to buy shoes and pumps but their feet keep growing.


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