Don't rain on my Summer Solstice

This is supposed to be the day when we throw off our winter layers, lash on the sun tan lotion and open our arms to the embrace of summer. What happened? I'm getting wet. My sun tan lotion is being washed away and  the puddle I've found myself standing in is seeping through my flip flops.

Still, it isn't so bad, I suppose. I can still celebrate the sun. I'll just do it from the dry safety of my sofa.

The summer solstice has always been about one thing for me - balance. It marks the balance between day and night (both the same length on this date before the nights begin to lengthen again). It reminds me to question my own life balance, be that work and home balance, me-time and them-time balance or even my nutritional balance. What about you? Is your life gracefully balanced or teetering on the edge?

Happy Summer Solstice, however you spend it.

May the sun always shine in your life and the fire remain bright in your hearth.


  1. Happy Summer Solstice! Sorry about the rain. That's kind of ironic I guess.

  2. Love this post! I like the way you use the solstice as a way to check the balance in your own life. Too often, I just let these days of significance pass me by.

  3. Thanks Fi for reminding me about balance; you're right: summer solstice is a terrific day to think about that. I guess it turned out as balanced a day as I get: good day at work, relaxed dinner, pleasant walk, then writing. Summer solstice was sunny and beautiful here in southern Virginia - not even the usual 5 pm downpour.

  4. Happy Summer Solstice to you as well. We had rain in Chicago yesterday with a huge storm, tornado warnings and power outages. I guess you could say I am teetering on the edge with my life balance as the outside was reflecting the in.

    Oh well. Better luck today, right? :)

  5. After that weather, fingers crossed things can only improve, Karen.

    Thanks to you all for the comments.


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