Too much creativity - I want to get off!

Not really. Who am I trying to kid? The last six weeks may have formed a glutenous mass of imagination, frustration and end result, but they've been enthralling too. I'll explain.

1. Zazzle

My husband and I have always been all round creative lunatics. If we're not writing, we're discussing plans. If we're not doing that, then we're doodling designs. The list goes on and on in our constant creative endeavours. The result, almost two months ago, was the decision to do something constructive with our humour (well, it makes 'us' laugh) and our designs. Combining the two led us to a website called Zazzle.

Zazzle is an online organisation that creates quality custom products. Put simply, you can upload a design and create a t-shirt, business card, tie or gift, either as an individual or as a store. Although Zazzle is based in the USA, it has bases in many other countries too, including the UK.

We have become what is termed by Zazzle artists as a pair of Zazzlers. We spend far too much time uploading designs and creating products, watching for sales and seeing new designs in places as banal as the ice crusted lid of a pizza box. We're obsessed.

If you're interested, we now have three Zazzle Stores:
Our children have even got in on the act, starting a non profit shop called Fabkidz with their own designs, to raise money to donate to child and animal charities.

2. Murder mystery plays

It's murder mystery season again, or rather the time of year when many am dram groups approach me to discuss their murder mystery needs for the year ahead. The unfortunate downside to this very welcome correspondence is that the progress of writing my two murder mystery plays (deadline - end of May) has been jarringly slow. Still, there has been some progress but I really should stop jumping  between the two plays - 1920s country manor and science fiction don't really mix (unless you're Doctor Who).

3. eBook

Another project for Murdering The Text is to write an eBook to accompany my murder mystery plays, with advice drawn from our many years' experience of performing our plays in addition to assisting our customers to do the same. I'm making better progress on this than the plays with three sections written.

4. The Novel

As always, there's some work on my novel in there too. I've finished another chapter and come to the conclusion that at least one likeable character will have to die at the end of the story.

So there you have it - my creative whirling dervish of a life for the past six weeks. And there were two weeks' school holiday as well. Now, if you'll just excuse me, I need to rest my brain for the night, well, once I've uploaded my latest design (remember the icy pizza box). Then I just need to create about ten items, design a new wedding stationery range and...


  1. You sound almost as creative crazy as me.

  2. Zazzle is great, I have a store there too.
    Sounds like you've been very productive.


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