Versatile Blogger Award

Over the weekend I was delighted to discover that Dawn Brazil of Dawn Brazil's Brilliant Babbles about Books blog had awarded me The Versatile Blogger award. As somebody who juggles her life between motherhood, business and a wee touch of leisure (plus there's a husband somewhere in that mix), it's great to hear that other bloggers see me as versatile too.

So to follow the rules of this award, I have to mention, thank and link to the award giver which I think I've done now. I also have to tell you seven things about myself. Here goes.
  1. I was originally supposed to be born on Christmas Day but I kept my parents hanging about a few days longer. Well, they say that the good things in life are worth waiting for.
  2. When I was seven years old, I stood at the top of my road and thought 'This is the most mature I will ever be'. I still hold with that opinion.
  3. I like change. By this, I don't mean that I want to continually be moving house or changing relationships. The kind of change I mean is the need to be always learning and developing. The downside to this 'like' is that I'm not very good with routine and repetition. I can now see why my initial career in an office environment didn't work out and the number of jobs I had (and left) is in double figures.
  4. People talk to me. More than that, they tell me their life stories. As a writer, this can be fascinating. As someone trying to get their shopping done on a rainy day, it can be rather distracting. 
  5. If I don't manage any creative activity in a twenty four hour period, I get grumpy. I don't mean to but that seven year old me that I mentioned above kicks in. Creativity is my life blood, even if it's only building lego houses with my son.
  6. In addition to change, I like diversity. Ok, I like the dance troupe Diversity but that's not what I'm talking about in this instance. I like to mix and match my life, be that my wardrobe, my reading material or my friends. 
  7. I am thankful for my life. It hasn't always been easy but then very few people have an easy life. And anyway, how boring would it be to face no challenges in life and always get what you want? I like my rollercoaster. It keeps me breathing.
The final rule to this award is to pass it on to other bloggers. I follow a tremendous number of blogs but of them all, I felt that those listed below were amongst the most versatile.

I'm now going to visit all of these blogs and let them know I think they're versatile. They're well worth a visit so why don't you drop in on them too.


    1. Fi, we're very honored over at Scribbler's Cove. And it's so fun to get to know you! Thanks for sharing, especially about your mature seven-year-old self thinking so deeply! You were born a writer!

    2. Fun things to know about you!! I'm over from She Writes. Congrats on the blogging award!

    3. Thanks for the award (Susan Kaye Quinn from Scribbler's Cove here, matey!)! I love that you attract people, and their stories. :)

    4. Hi, Fi! I hopped over from Scribbler's Cove to say hello. I love making new blog friends! :-)

    5. Fi, Thank you for the lovely surprise at the nomination for Versatile award. I am really pleased that you feel my blog is worthy.I shall pass the award onto others over the next few days.

    6. Thank you so much for giving us this award-that was so sweet of you and meant more than you will know. I always enjoy reading your blog because you are an incredible writer. You know your audience. Thank you again.


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