The stage is set

Well, actually they have to build the stage, set, lighting rig - you get my drift - but the intention is there.

The initial 'pantomime' meeting took place this week and production planning is underway. The first three scenes of the pantomime have been received with general applause and now I have the summer to finish the script, including and bearing in mind the many suggestions that came out of the meeting. I've been asked to fit in lots of mentions of the local area, a dog and a cat (as well as the already planned mice and horse) and a goth fairy godmother, in addition to thinking up new lyrics for 'Three Little Maids from School'. I now know the stage layout and the technical capabilities of the production team so all I have to do is put pen to paper.

One realisation that came to mind at the meeting was how much I love to write parts for actors that I know. Each person has an individual rhythm to the way they speak which I attempt to fit to their dialogue. I also use their physical presence - build, walking pace, stance - to envisage their onstage character. For me personally, it's one of the best parts of writing plays.

Cinderella, you shall go to the ball!


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