The Career Guide for Creative and Unconventional People

I've had this book for a while but only recently began to delve into it's wisdom. I use the word 'wisdom' because unlike career guides that simply match you up to a fitting career then send you on your way, TCGFCAUP goes on to explain why creative people often find it difficult to fit into conventional jobs. In my past life as a secretary, I was sent on a course that would match my personality to suitable careers. My then employer was closing down and they were doing all they could to help their staff on their way to new jobs. I daresay they were trying to reduce the amount of redundancy money they would have to pay out but at the time it seemed a very decent gesture to make. There were five of us on the course - a manager, two supervisor level staff, another secretary and me. Over two days, we worked through the exercises, took part in discussions, filled out questionnaires and generally enjoyed time away from work. On the third day, we met with the leader of our cours...