Spring is in the air!

It must be spring. I'm wearing a skirt for the first time this year. My legs are in shock. This always feels like the real start of the year for me. Perhaps it's the return of the sun or the buds on the trees, but spring is the season that inspires me with its fresh colours and new beginnings. It always feels like a much better time to set myself resolutions than at the new year. Creative juices and plans a plenty buzz around my brain, asking to be picked forth into existence. Where Ted Hughes found his Thought Fox in the winter, setting 'neat prints into the snow', my muse springs from the earth with the appearance of daffodils and crocuses. I am full of ideas for all areas of my life but plans for my writing for 2010 include more plays for Murdering The Text with an accompanying eBook, more work on my novel and a joint writing project with my husband. Spring is here. Life is good.